Professor Rebekah Grace

Director, Centre for Transforming early Education and Child Health (TeEACH)


Rebekah’s research is focused on the service and support needs of vulnerable and/or disadvantaged children and their families. She employs a cross-disciplinary, mixed-methods approach to research, and seeks to move beyond the bounds of disciplinary silos to address complex challenges.

Rebekah has extensive experience in productive collaboration with government and non-government service organisations, and with multi-disciplinary research teams. Her expertise is in applied research, and in the translation of that research so that it is meaningful within practice settings, and transformative to policy and practice.

Rebekah has a particular expertise in the conduct of rigorous effectiveness trials within human service settings, and in supporting service worker understanding of the importance of this kind of research to achieving positive outcomes for children and families. 

Rebekah is also well known for her research using participatory methods with children and young people, and for her work in the co-design of services with Aboriginal communities.

Research Interests

  • Service and support needs of children and families who experience adversity
  • Participatory methods, particularly with children and young people
  • Effectiveness trials

Qualifications and Recognition

  • Doctor of Philosophy University of Sydney

Research and Publications

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