Associate Professor Alison Downham Moore

Associate Dean of Research, School of Humanities and Communication Arts; Associate Professor of History & Medical Humanities


A/Prof Downham Moore is a medical humanities scholar and historian of modern European and of global medical history. She has published widely on the history of French and German psychiatry and medicine, on the long history of sexuality, gender, ageing and medicine. She has also written about historical theory, genocide historiographic debates, and the history of European medical ideas about digestion and diet. She has studied non-award biomedical sciences at the University of New England, to enrich her expertise in histories of biology, health, nutrition and disease.

She currently holds an Australian Research Council Discovery Grant: DP190101457 on Sexual Ageing in the History of Medicine.

She is author of The French Invention of Menopause and the Medicalisation of Women's Ageing: A History (contracted to Oxford University Press, forthcoming 2022),and is now completing another individual research monograph entitled Gendered Ageing in the History of Biomedicine.

She is involved in collaborative projects on the history of digestive health, on the history of health foods, on the historical writing of Michel Foucault, and on the history and current practice of gynaecological surgeries worldwide and in diverse patient groups.

Alison is a university and SoHCA research mentor and is happy to provide research, teaching or career mentoring support to emergent scholars in any humanities and social science discipline.

She welcomes prospective honours, masters and PhD projects in any area of European cultural or intellectual history, any area of historiography or historical theory, any area of sexuality or gender studies, and any area of history of medicine, science, sport or health across time and place.

She welcomes meaningful research collaboration with scholars of any level of experience, from any scholarly discipline, and from all parts of the world. Corresponding scholars are welcome to write to her in English, French or German.

Some of her recent podcast interviews, video abstracts and video/audio recordings of talks include:

Research Interests

  • History of medicine
  • Medical humanities
  • Interdisciplinary studies of reproductive health and gender-specific medicine
  • Interdisciplinary studies of digestive health

Qualifications and Recognition

  • Phd University of Sydney
  • BA(Hons) University of Sydney

Research and Publications

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