Associate Professor Caroline Jones

Director of Impact and Engagement at the MARCS Institute


Associate Professor Jones is a researcher within the Speech & Language Program in MARCS, and the current Director of Impact & Engagement. At University level she is a Theme Champion for Education & Work, one of the four University Research Themes.

Caroline received her PhD in Linguistics in 2003 from University of Massachusetts. Her previous academic positions were teaching-research roles in Education at University of New South Wales (Lecturer, 2005-07) and University of Wollongong (Senior Lecturer, 2007-13).

Research Interests

Caroline's research centres on three main questions:

  1. How can we increase the success and sustainability of language revitalization initiatives, for a range of teachers, learners, and contexts?
  2. How can we improve early language assessment and intervention (0-3 years), especially for multilingual children, in clinical and inclusive early childhood contexts?
  3. What strategies support communication between elderly people, including people with dementia, and their families, carers, and care staff?

Qualifications and Recognition

  • Australian Research Council Future Fellowship 2013-2017
  • PhD Linguistics - University of Massachusetts 2003
  • B.A. University of Sydney 1995

Research and Publications

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