Dr Kelly Baird

Research Fellow, Translational Research and Social Innovation, School of Nursing and Midwifery


Kelly takes an applied, community-embedded approach to research, supporting the development and implementation of social and system innovations that ensure evidence-based interventions reach the people who need them, and are implemented with quality. She works closely with government and non-government organisations, research institutions, community members and service users, with an explicit approach and commitment to co-design, collaboration, and translational research. Kelly’s research portfolio is made up of trailblazing and highly complex studies with vulnerable populations. She also has a strong interest in child voice and participatory research, and the application of this to inform practice, contribute to service reform, and promote improved outcomes for children and young people.

Prior to completing her PhD, Kelly worked in the non-government sector, leading projects focused on the use of creative and innovative methods for successfully engaging hard-to-reach children, young people and their families in research and service participation. She was awarded her PhD in 2015, with her doctoral research employing child-led, participatory methods to examine young children’s experiences of program participation and family life during involvement in an intensive, therapeutic, attachment-based parenting support program.

Kelly is also a member of the Centre for Transforming early Education And Child Health (TeEACH) at Western Sydney University, and is affiliated with the Ingham Institute for Applied Medical Research in Liverpool.

Research Interests

  • Children and families experiencing adversity
  • Participatory methods, including child- and youth-led research/child voice research
  • Social isolation, connection and belonging

Qualifications and Recognition

  • PhD Macquarie University
  • BA CCJ (Hons) Griffith University

Research and Publications


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